
291556127Anxiety is a fancy word for feeling scared.

If you are reading this page, you have likely seen your child experience fear of being away from you (their caregiver), fear of a specific thing or situation, fear of being around people, or fear of something terrible happening.

These are typical fears experienced by young children, but most children will outgrow these fears as they learn to experience life with rational thinking and feel safe in their environment.

However, some children get stuck. They can’t reason about a situation they are experiencing because they feel overwhelmed with intense emotion. Their ability to deal with it becomes paralyzed at the moment by their experienced fear.

When fear becomes hard to process, children begin to miss out on everyday activities that many enjoy, such as attending school, making friends, or participating in extracurricular activities. It’s hard to see your child missing out on these same experiences you once enjoyed. You want your child to have a wonderful childhood filled with positive memories.

Nothing seems to work – anxiety is still present.

You’ve tried encouraging your child, pushing them out of their comfort zone, and being the rational voice. Your child needs to recognize their fear has no truth.

Unfortunately, your child’s fight, flight, freeze response becomes activated, and you are met with resistance every step of the way. You don’t know what else to do.

Anxiety hasn’t only taken over your child’s life. It feels as if it’s taken over your life as well.

102463487Anxiety doesn’t have to be in control any longer.

I can help your child overcome their fear and the anxiety resulting from situations causing that fear.

I will work with you and your child to better understand the type of anxiety your child is experiencing. Together, we will set goals to help your child overcome specific fears.

Your child will learn to shift their thinking and experience safety in situations currently causing them distress. Your child can break free from the grips of anxiety and live their best life.

Call me today at (336) 289-4492, and let’s help your child deal with anxiety.