
1111380857We live in a fast-paced world.

The world has changed a lot in the past couple of years. We have learned how to connect virtually better than ever. While life has returned to normal in many ways, the ability to connect online is still here.

Life is busy, and you have work to do, a house to run, a family to care for, and driving kids to and from activities. And all that gets packed into a week.

These obligations make you wonder, “How will I find time to attend therapy for an hour plus the additional time spent driving to and from an office?”

All your energies are spent on your family and job at this point in your life. Having time for therapy seems impossible – especially if it requires making a specified appointment and driving.

Attending therapy shouldn’t feel stressful or impossible.

Now, it doesn’t have to be with teletherapy. Enjoy the benefits therapy online offers. With teletherapy, you can receive therapy from the comfort of your home, during your lunch break, or in your hotel room when traveling.

There is no more stress with arranging for transportation, long commute times to and from an office, hiring a babysitter, or sitting in an office waiting while your child is in therapy.

Therapy from the comfort of your home has never been more accessible. All you need is a reliable Internet connection, a device with a camera, and a quiet space to be alone.

Although we won’t be meeting in my physical office, confidentiality is still important. Remember to provide yourself or your child with a private space where others cannot hear our conversations during our work together.

1831164793The process is straightforward.

I will also be taking appropriate steps to maintain confidentiality. I use a confidential, HIPAA-compliant platform for video sessions. This platform is like Facetime or Zoom, except more secure.

Before your session, you will receive a link to the video call via email or text message. Once you have the link, you will log in and receive a connection to my virtual waiting room.

During your session, I will meet you in my virtual office. It’s as simple as that!

Don’t let this faced-paced world and your obligations keep you from receiving the support you need. Teletherapy makes it easy and allows you to pick the time and place. It’s time for some YOU TIME!

Give me a call today at (336) 289-4492.